It’s Already Finished in the Future!

Molly Ovenden

Mixed media – recycled card, acrylic paintings, oil pastel, wrapping paper, glitter glue, felt tip marker, charcoal

This piece is quite personal as I turn a corner in my creative career. I’ve combined multiple media instead of my usual acrylic or watercolor.

Work I’ve created in the past that I’ve not been able to exhibit or sell, I cut into petals and turned into a flower. This represents what I hope to be true: that God takes my faithfulness and will bring fragrant, blooming growth and life to my art, to my soul, and to those who experience it.

While at times I’ve felt sad and angry about the direction of my art career, I feel like God is showing me through this piece that:

  1. He is making all things new–even what seems old, dead, worn-out, discarded–including me, and
  2. There is such promise of completion in the future that the tension of today’s not yet can cloud.

I hope that the viewer would feel the depth of emotions of the piece while also feeling surrounded by loving hope for the future in the present.