Are you ready?
Here at God Loves Art, we see how God uses creativity to heal, serve, and inspire. Are you ready to see Him work through art like that in your own life? What about the lives of those around you?
You may be like many others and not even realize that Art Ministry is an actual method that God utilizes worldwide to reach thousands for Him!
I frequently say how unique you are, and it’s the highest truth. Art ministry is a beautiful example of intentional variety that God created. Some people respond strongly to music, while others respond to creative writing, color, nature, or sculpture. There is room for you.
You have a pull inside of you to create, and God desires to connect with you and inspire others through the creations of your imagination. Are you ready for that? Are you prepared to offer your talents to the Lord and watch God move in creativity and beauty, to bless those around you?
We welcome you to join us in our upcoming Fall cohort for the School of Art Ministry. The registration deadline is July 10, so click below to find out all the information you need. Pray and ask God to search your heart, for ways to nurture your art and your heart to His glory.
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